Thursday, March 1, 2007

a few things ive noticed/things which make me smile/dedication of this blog

1. chocolate bars arent your typical 60g, they are 58 grams here :-S

2. your run of the mill 600ml coke, here is 591ml :-S

3. speed limits are just a sign on the road. if you go the speed limit people will get angry. on the road to sunshine village/lake louise the limit is 90 but most people sit on 110-120 if the conditions allow it.

4. I was waiting to get on the gondola at Lake Louise and I hear the lift operator (aka, lifty) say,
"why should i do it, i wanna do the minimum amount of work possible, thats what being a lifty is all about"

at this point ive reached the front of the line and i say to the lift, "nah dude, doing the minimum is what being an australian is all about"

he replies, "im from melbourne mate"

5. today i was on a lift with another fellow whos name is luke, he asked me where im from. The australian accent really sticks out here and it brings a smile to my face when i know i can say, " Adelaide" and they will know exactly what im talking about. turns out Luke is from Brisbane, used to sell insurance, got sick of it, now works at the HI hostel in lake louise (the town not the ski resort). once i quite my job at the end of the month, im gonna be staying in different hostels and im sure to spend a week or so there. he says its quite a nice place.

Lastly 2 days ago my Opa passed away. Unfortunatly I'm not around for the funeral so instead, this blog has taken on a new title and is now dedicated to my Opa, who i described earlier as, A Vogelzang through and through. to those of you unfortunate souls who dont know any vogelzangs then you wont get that but im sure the family will enjoy it.

Pics from my lake louise outing to follow


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