my last blog was some time ago so i will try and cover everything thats happened since then.
well i got back from pure pwnage which took some time. the next couple of days i rested i believe, or maybe i snowboarded. cant remember either way, me, roman and antony were having a good time livin it up in the hostel. we'd go boarding, cook diner, have a few beers, play some pool, watch tv and then go out to the BnG or explorers most nights. fun fun fun times.
then rosy left - what a sad day. she has since then had EVERYHING of hers stolen - bummer. that includes all her clothes + passport etc... etc.... so yeah.
then erm, sometime while all this was happening amitay also left - he had hurt his leg and couldnt board any more.
then antony left, then it was just me n roman chillaxing out. ooooh and this other french fellow who i couldnt understand at all left sometime HAHAHHA he boarded with us aswell..
anyway the last 2 days i was at lake louise the snow was amazing. lots and lots of snow!!!! it was insane. did some jumps, rode in the powder, generally had a freakin amazing time. the last day of the season it looked really bad out so neither me or roman went up. then i went to banff and was at the hostel there for 4 days. i was feeling pretty sick so i didnt board for 3 days but then i went up on the 4th day when i was also catching a plane to montreal that night. anyway what a day!!!!!! 17cm the day before and then 7cm over night. lots of powder, did some fresh lines through the south chutes off of goates eye mountain - wo0o0oo0t double blacks ehheheh :-P
erm yeah, just generally had an awesome time but i did get sunburnt cos i had forgotten my balaclava - i looked completely freakin rediculous the next few days.
erm then what, yeah i packed all my stuff up, checked out, played hacky with some fellows from belgium i believe. then some pool all while i was waiting for my bus to the calgary airport. the bus came, but it was a realy boring bus ride - i tried to liven things up.
i would sing loudly and poorly to the songs on the radio. i spoke to the other people on the bus, i offered everyone in the back half of the bus (thats 4 people) my dental floss after i started flossing my teeth myself. i offered people my nail file after i was done with it. just generally livenin up the mood and stuff LOL.
then i had a 4 hour wait at the airport. holy shit the calgary airport sucks and 1am flights suck. esepcially when you loose 2 hours traveling across time zones and hence only get 1.5 hours sleep on the plane. got off the plane at 7am in montreal.
got coffee and my bags. yay for tim hortons (a place similar to starbucks for all you who dont know :-P )
then yeah, got on a bus downtown. go to the hostel around 9 BUT!!!! i couldnt check into my room till 1pm. holy shit i was sooooo tired but i had to wait 4 i skated around the city and checked stuff out.
erm lets see the next 6 days i have done:
1 pub crawl
1 thai cooking class thing at the hostel
been out a few times
went to the botanic gardens here - completely shit house
went up mount royal (mont royal) - the mountain montreal is named after
met the single most anoying girl in the world. me and my aussie mate paul who has now left :( spent 2 days trying to avoid her. we plotted trying to kill her, changing hostels, sleeping all day so she couldnt find us etc... etc.... no words canm describe how anoying she was. a dutch fellow we met said she is very 'and this one time at band camp' (she is infact exactly like that girl from american pie)
erm we've done some partying. then some german dudes moved into my room. stefan, stefan (stef) and another guy. we partied with these guys aswell. germans like beer just like aussies do so good times were had.
i got a little lost on the way back from the pub crawl and it took me atleast 1 hour more like an hour and a half to do the 25 minutes back to the hostel. much to the amusement of the others who had found their own way back before me. grrrr
erm. me n paul went for a cruise in the german dudes minivan. we went to a famous restaurant/lunch place and got their 'smoked meat sandwhich'. the only reason its called the sandwhich is because they put 2 small pieces of bread on the plate which is filled with half kilo or so of smoked meat. LOL its basicly a plate of smoked meat and some bread and u throw down lots of sauce and munch away. very very very tasty. mmmmmmm :P
then erm we again went upto mont royal, took more photos, had gneerally a good time. the last time i was there i fed the squirrels with peanuts - LOL ive got a pic of one on my leg.
erm i think thats about it. oh i also got a haircut. you see i hate talking to the hairdressers back home because they talk about shit i dont care in the slighest about. but here....well i found a nice french hairdresser, made it obvious that i was an aussie (gerald's number 1 travellin tip - if you are in a country where people dont speak english, great them with a big G'day and they realise your from australia and hence excuse you for any social mishaps which are to follow) and yeah, i told him how i wanted it, he cut my hair. didnt talk to me. i walked out $14 + a $5 tip lighter and now i have a different hair cut. its kinda short. and today i died it purple LOL its very very purple.
erm lets see....
i think that about covers what ive been upto.
i mentioned in my last blog that i crashed at some dudes house in calgary downtown - this is the view. pretty damn nice
me, roman (who i forgot to mention is a chef by trade and helped me cook myself some nice meals + he cooked me a steak + potato n stuff one night. very tasty) and then on the right is antony a cool french (actual french) dude who 'shreds the gnar'
forgot to mention my 4 hour guided bike ride with this fine lass who works at the hostel here in montreal. for $20 i got to see heaps of the city including many of the things created for the world show in 1967. much fun. this is us taking a break on the litle island they mae for the world show and that has all the big crazy sculpturs and stuff.
the two swiss girls i had the pleasure of enjoying the botanic gardens with, enjoying a nice long conversation outside of the hostel one night with and enjoyed having a beer and talking to 'vladamire' a kenyan man studying politics and diplomacy here in canada. good times
the view from up on mont royal look out thingy. they have good ice cream there too. yummy
isnt it cute!!!!! im sure feeding them doesnt help them at all and all the other squireels i had seen in banff just ran away but i think its cute!!!
the view from saint joseph cathedral - the big one on the all the post cards. yes there is like a gazillion billion steps to walk up. the inside is actually pretty shitty compared to the roman catholic cathedral just down town. oh well what can ya do??
the last and best photo:
thats me, the german fellas and paul sitting on the steps yesterday outside of the hostel enjoying a Haka (sp). those indians or chinese??? are onto something with their crazy flavoured tobacco that is somehow smoked without a flame even touching it. awesome day, awesome weather.
so yeah, thats about it. oooh and gotta mention brutopia. worst bar in montreal. u buy their house beers which have terrible flavours like raspberry or apricot and shit like that. its $6 after a tip per pint and the beer is always flat. but its down the road and everyone seems to go there because its famous for their beers - who knows why. anyway yeah, after chilling on the steps we went there.
anyway lets see. i leave here in 11 days. i habe 5 planes to catch in 2 days.
montreal - vancouver, vancouver san fran, san fran to auckland, auckland to sydney, sydney to adelaide.
YAY YAY wo00o00ot lol cant wait. shit, what a 2 days that will be.
thats about it.
tooodles for now
p.s. just scanned this quickly and as always there are millions of mistakes and such but just battle on through - im sure you can all understand. im outa time here now :(
its taken me a whole hour - apperciate it.
screw the book and bring me back that squirrel!!
i vote for more!
more blog updates that is! even though you're no longer in canada, i'm sure people would still read your blog.. well at least i would!
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