So, since I've stopped working I've been boarding heaps more. its wicked! went out some 5 days in a row - not full days every day but enough to satisfy my cravings. last two days have been taking it easy but i might go and do some night boarding tonight as its Friday, its free, easy to get it and the snow at Norquay has improved a bit since they got a fair of a snow the other day.
As I have everyday now to do what I want, Ive been putting a bit of thought into my next blog (this blog). I've always done a fair bit of reading and this topic has always interested me. Anyway as it's in the middle of Easter I figured I would try and write a few words of my own (inspired by what I have read) about the religion which Easter has budded from.
Many of the articles I read are to do with Christianity and the most recent one I read explained how Christianity has changed. Changed from a religion which is supposed to spread love, compassion and teach caring for your fellow man, into a religion where people enjoy spreading words of hate, at the moment, specificly on 2 issues - Abortion and Homosexuality.
Now I know it is a little different back home, because for a while I was involved in a group - st Vincent de Paul - which went out to feed the homeless, cared for them and weren't judging of the people who came to them for help, even though I am sure it was made up of many non-believers. But, living in North America I have been slightly more exposed to the Christian extremists.
From what I can see, hear and read, many Christians are more focused on spreading hate; hate for homosexuals, hate for people who are pro choice and hate for people who might have different believes and opinions to them, and you can be sure they will make life difficult for them. E.G. have a read about this branch of the baptist church
This makes me really annoyed, more so than normal ;-) Now I know lots of lovely Christians, they don't try to convert me - partly because they know they wont get anywhere - they don't spill words of hate and tell me I am going to hell. But it seems the people who represent Christians on tv, radio and in newspapers, aren't these people. The people who represent Christians through mainstream media aren't the ones who go out and help the poor, the homeless and the anyone who needs a hand. Instead they are the ones who argue about issues which really shouldn't be the centre point of their religion.
Now this is all coming from a person who has for quite a long time not budged on his opinion that Christianity is based on a bunch of things which didn't happen . And while I will never be able to believe the bible word for word or that Jesus did rise from the dead or that God even exists, I have come to find a wee bit of religious tolerance inside of me :-P So much so that I'm going to agree with my mum (yes my mum gets a shout out here) that the bible/the word of Jesus yada yada yada does have some good points namely the one which goes "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." This is what Christians should be focusing their energy on, helping others and treating them with dignity, not arguing stupid debates and forcing their ideas/believes onto everyone else. (and if they don't get their way, they go to extremes, read this)
So, even though this is hardly going to be read by any christian extremists, just keep it in mind that Christianity shouldn't be and isn't about spreading hate but sharing love. And its just unfortunate that the people who represent Christians alot of the time are idiots. And if anyone repeats these words to someone who tries to convince them that being gay IS an abomination because it is in the bible. And the same person refuses to listen and learn and spread love and compassion to those in need like they should; then just explain that if they want to follow those specific words of the bible, they best make sure they follow all the words of the bibles:
exodus 21:7 allows parents to sell their daughters into slavery
exodus 35:2 which explains that Sunday - the seventh day is a day of rest, BUT those who don't rest are to be put to death :-O
leviticus 15:19 which we all know warns us not to touch a female for a week after she has had her period or we will be unclean. :-S
Saturday, April 7, 2007
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abolish religion
WOAH!! RITA'S LEAVING A COMMENT!! OMG!!! (but it wouldn't let me sign in :@)
Anyway, cant miss a chance to tell you my experiences with religious people who believe that anyone who is not hetrosexual is going to hell:
You know that Elija guy who tried out for Aus Idol one year? He was is Sarah B's grade and i asked her if it was true that he's bi and she said that she didn't like thinking about it cos being homosexual is a crime, just as murdering someone is. huh?
hope that doesnt makes sense to you either
Not to mention that her mum was reading the gihs newsletter one day and she was horrified that they were advertising a play with lesbian lovers in it, cos you know, thats completely unsuitable and disgusting, for anyone, yet alone high school students.
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