some of you wont, and some of you wont even know what it is.
anyway thats the site, its a bunch of people who make a video series which you download off their website and the series is about how they play computer games.
ive been a fan for quite some time. anyway its wicked. last night they had the premier of their latest episode. ep 13 in calgary.
so i hopped on a bus after a few hours of snowboarding to check it out.
well i walked into the cinema in downtown calgary only to see 'jeremy' and 'doug' there right away. shit yeah, i was stoked. i had a little talk with them and yeah, then we started watching the series. first we watched the last two episodes so we were all up to date with what was happening.
then we watched the new episode which was freakin awesome!!!!!!!!! holy shit it was good
then i got a t-shirt and got it signed by jeremy, doug and kyle (the director).
got to learn their actual names. doug is called joel in RL, kyle is actually called jeff and jeremy is jarret.
anyway after getting my t-shirt signed and some photos, i sat around for an hour or so until all the noobs had left and i could find out what the plan was afterwards. anyway they were going to a bar called the black swan so i got a lift with one of the dudes who helps with the soundtrack. i went along, had a few beers with jeff and jarrey....joel wasnt out :(
anyway yeah, while i was at the bar i was talking to another fan who had tagged along and i told him i was from adelaide, he said he had studied there for 6 months while he was in year 11. turns out he went to glenunga and he knew mr.marino, mr.knight and our old PE teacher who remembered cos he drove that yellow subaru LOL!!!
awesome times. anyway i ended up crashing at the soundtrack dudes flat in downtown calgary, it had an awesome view of the town - pics later and such i hope.
and yeah, then in the morning i skated at millenium park and came back here with a stop off in canmore and banff
what good times. here are the pics:
me n FPS doug pwn nooobs together.

jeremy does actually pwn in RL, i watched him pwn at big buck hunter!!!! lolzor
this is us pwning too:
