on tuesday, Tim, Adam, Rupert (hugh), Christian and myself all hopped in the hutch wagon (tim n adams van thingy) and cruised to kickinghorse. the next closest ski resort to banff after lake louise/sunshine/norquay.
the reason for the visit? they had recieved some 75+ cm of snow in the last week and the day we went, they had recieved 17cm over night! perfect conditions. so we got on the highway pretty early. just after 7, but a truck had compeltely jackknifed just next to the BC border so we sat around for 30 minutes while the police did their stuff and moved the vehicles waiting to pass through the narrow gap that was left.
awesome we were on the road again, we got to kicking horse, got our first run in, and then the gondola - which is the only way up the mountain and every run is serviced via it - stopped due to high winds. 90km/h at the top. bummer, we stood around for ages, then got our second run in 45 minutes later. these runs are really long and with all the AMAZING snow that was around it was just bliss. then it was 2 more hours before our last run of the day :( oh well each run was awesome and we got a half day ski credit thing cos we only got 3 runs in. COOL!
while we were stopped on the freeway we met Alex, who had the car infront of us. She had these two awesome huskies aswell, we ended up boarding with her for the 3 runs we got. anyway yeah... *pic below*
then the next two days - wed/thursday - i spent at sunshine which recieved 10cm/8cm respectively. it was awesome awesome. snow was just brilliant everywhere. neato.
anyway lets see, its friday evening here and ive gopt 1.5 more hours before i finish work. then im cruising to the cinema to finally watch 300 :-D yippy. i believe this movie is coming out pretty soon in aus aswell.
erm anyway yeah, pics
that is:
Christian (this cool german dude who used to work at the Banff centre), then rupert, adam, myself, alex and tim.
then this my wound from the lake louise staff ski day last week. i havent been able to upload it till now cos the 1 computer in the whole centre which has a working USB drive died on everyone ><
and finally, this is Donny. he works at sunshine village as a lifty. he broke a rib in the terrain park and cos everyone is so god damn poor around here, he had to hitchhike from sunshine to the hospital. we picked him up on the side of the road in the cool bus and dropped him off at the hospital.
Gerald Thomas Richard Wiblin (just for a change)
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