Saturday, February 10, 2007

4 Reasons why being a dishwasher sucks - besides the fact that its generally a crappy job:

1. you are constantly lifting dishes from this conveyer sort of thing and by the end of the day, your back is killing you

2. so much food gets wasted. it goes down the sink usually, but sometimes the sink gets clogged up, and all this food just sits in this steaming water next to you and it stinks. thats not the only source of the disgusting smell thats wafts up to nose...there is a bin where you are sposed to scrape food from plates into and the combination of 20 odd different meals, scraps from pans and the oil also stinks!

3. yours hands are constantly being beaten by water, this dries your hands out and no one has thought to put a little a hand cream dispensing unit near the joint.

4. the only people who work as dishwashers are men...surprisingly. all the attractive young lasses are servers or chefs :(

that is all.



Anonymous said...

quit then ya n00b!
go work as another job person. a dustbin man? that would be fun right? LOL get over it you whinger!

Anonymous said...

Dustbin man??? must be a Aussie thing!


Anonymous said...

I am a dishwasher lol, have been for 2 yrs now yes it sucks and its damn hard work but you i just get on with it, its not the end of the world it's a job, it's still better than nothing but yes it is horrible, I work at a huge place so have to clean kitchen, canteen, back areas and everything and you still get treated like a fool lol

Anonymous said...

Horrible job, its so belittling you constantly do 8- 12 hr shifts, no break nothing it total bs, i work on my own too and they expect me to do everything its such a bitch to do, all i can say is kudos to anyone who can hack this job.

I have only been doing it for 9 months so far and that is long enough lol/.

Anonymous said...

If any restaurant perosn is being honest if asked the kitchen porter is doing the hardest work think about it, when all the chefs, waiters etc go home at night the kitchen porter is still there with everthing from plates, pots, pans still to be washed, amchine to clean and the floor to be swept/ mopped and bins etc when you just want to gome home and you are so exhuasted from 10 hrs straight work of hell.

I know it all about Kitchen Porter Job did it for a very long 6 years from when I was 16- 22 through college, One good thing about it is it teaches you a lot of responsibilty and how hard it is, if you dont like grafting and working hard dont bother with this job, seen some guys told to piss off after an hour , How many people even last in this job for 6 months let alone 1 yr plus is surprising, It's a very hard job.

Anonymous said...

Being a Dishwasher- Kitchen Porter pro's and cons for me.

cons- 1. Most people likely look down at you.

2. You get treated with no respect which is expected as they most likely treat you as an uneducated kid, everyone gets a pat on the back expect the dishwasher,

3. Your doing all the hard, dirty work whilst waitresses and chefs chat to eachother.

4. can never have breaks otherwise huge piles stack up everywhere, when quiet you have to do something clean stuff whilst chefs stand around pissing around as do waitresses.

5. You will get wet and dirty, I come home soaked bad and covered in crap off dirty plates, oil, grease it sucks but I get used to it.

6. They excpet you do to everything, and very quickly, this job is not for everyone at all, need a thick skin.

7. screaming hostile co workers when busy especially I have been sweared at countless times in kitchen, Its all part of the stressful envoroment.

8. Very unsociable hours- Long shifts, Early starts, Late finishes etc

1. You Just have to work hard, dont have to talk rubbish like most people in Jobs,

2. You can get free food and drinks

3. You are sometimes left on own and not hassled.

4. Not Dealing with customers

5. Dont have to wear uniform, wear what you want

6, All the good looking waitresses, I was once scrubbing tables and I remember the sexy hr women come in in tight skirt and heels etc and because I was on the floor scrubbing I was just staring at her legs for like 5 mins lol whilstr she was talking to the chef.

Its a shame, Kp's often get treated like crap in most cases, I have done it for 3 yrs now it is hard graft, very demanding I work with a few other young lads one is been 1 yr and the other only 6 months or so and both are nice lads, good workers too.

Respect to all fellow Kitchen Porters out there

Anonymous said...

It's easily one of the worst jobs ever, being a dishwasher is horrible, I remember where work the dishwasher was down and we had to hand wash everything I was there till 3 in the morning, it just go's on and on, It is never ending repetitive work that drains you mentally, I have done it for a few months only so far and it sucks bad, The chefs are OK sometimes they abuse you tho, You need a thick skin,

Anonymous said...

Im a kitchen porter myself, It is a hard work I have done it for 8 yrs in a big hotel it is soul destroying and hellish, It's even worser doing it in a hotel, I work with a few forgeign guys who are top lads and good workers, depends who you work with though, there have been some go after 2 weeks walk out, there was actually a girl who did this job who worked with us, she would do hardly any work too, remember one night we were all on the late she showed us her nipples outside lol, she didn't last long though.

Hate when they treat you crap, mostly when busy, but then its a stressful environment a kitchen.

Anonymous said...

It is a very hard job, respect to all kitchen porters's , its not just washing plates and pots and pans its all the cleaning and the chef's get you doing everything, did it on a work placement for 4 weeks, very hard job

Anonymous said...

I'm a girl and I actually love this job so far. It depends where you are but everyone where I work at the moment is nice (until the swearing starts). But you get used to the swearing fast and as soon as the shift's over it's all smiles again.

You also pretty quickly get used to: knives thrown in the bottom of sinks, wrinkly hands, pulling prawn heads out of drains, THE SMELL, slippery floors, and satan's-arsehole-hot plates in your hands.

If you're organised all you're left with is a quiet non-fuss job, maybe learning to make some new foods (which you'll inevitably screw up) and free drinks and meals. Sometimes a share of the tips too.

Don't turn this job down before you've applied. It ain't all that bad kids.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you on the last post. I have a dishwasher job now, I started as a dishwasher years ago. I worked up to line cook. I can make a few more bucks an hour as like cook, but it sucks ass too. I'm tired of cooking its outwardly better than washing dishes, but not really . It is more skilled labor yes, but I don't like the chefs, the hierarchy, dealing with shit coming back, customer complaints,special orders, dickhead co-workers , etc. Washing dishes is nasty and tiring, but you get left the fuck alone. Nobody wants to wash the dishes. I've had way worse jobs, I've processed fish in Alaska for 26 hours a day all summer for minimum wage, and I've dug ditches in the 100 degree sun for years, I've weedwacked creeks and lakesides in the summer getting stung by bees and pouring sweat. Washing dishes is hard work but it's subjective to your experiences. I go home, change my wet clothes, shower, and don't give it another thought. I'm not my job like Fight Club said. If I get disrespected very much I'm fucking walking. A waitress gave me shit about silverware one of my first days at this dishpit job, I told her if she didnt can her attitude she was going to be wsshingn the shit in five minutes. I live in a major city, there are dishpit jobs galore. If I hate one I can bounce and go to another in a day or two. Ive been disrespected alot by the restaurant industry, and I respect it as much as it respects me. If you find a decent place, like mine now, a dishpit job is a moderately hard but pretty much stress free job. I don't want to think about work when I'm there, and a dishpit is great for that.

Anonymous said...

I dunno, but I like my dishwasher job.
I work a few shifts a month at a sports bar and grill, usually when one of the regular guys is away. So I'm not doing it full-time and sometimes months will go by when I don't work. That means my impressions may be very different from what they would be if I worked full-time.
On my feet for up to 8-9 hours at a time with very little chance to sit down if it's busy.
Once the dishwashing machine broke down and we had to wash everything by hand. That really sucked.
A few of the waitstaff look down on the dishpigs because they wear nice uniforms and don't get their hands dirty, while we sweat it out and get filthy.
I don't speak Spanish, so sometimes we have to point a lot. The kitchen language is mostly Central American Spanish, not English.
The owner, if he's around, doesn't really like us sneaking into the dining room to grab something to eat and perhaps sneak a look at a game that's on. There's really no place to eat in the kitchen, so it's catch as catch can.
The place is old and a bit grungy in the kitchen.
I love getting paid to work out. It's a slow-motion 8-9 hour workout for me.
It's a pretty macho atmosphere in the kitchen and the guys are very informal.
We can wear whatever we like.
The cooks make sure I get fed, for free.
The bartenders let me have a tall beer at the end of every shift.
I like mindless labor. It makes me feel tough. I miss the dishpit if I've been away from it for a while. I like checking my mind at the door and just getting shit done. In that way it's the coolest job I've ever had.

Anonymous said...

Worked in 4 dishpits.

In a real busy kitchen, the dishwahers is the hardest working person, bar none. You can challenge any other staff to pun on an electronic calorie counter and see who is busting their balls the most during a shift... the dishwasher. And it will break your body in a matter of months. You could make a career as a manager, barkeep, server, line cook, prep cook, or chef... but NOBODY would want to make a career as a dishwasher... for 101 reasons. YOUR job is most important. Any other member could walk out and shit would still run... but lose the dishwasher and SHIT SHUTS DOWN. Take no shit and remember, you are a cog in the machine, working as a slave for an owner in a dog eat dog society. It is a load of bullshit.