Saturday, January 6, 2007

3 weeks to go

its just gone 6th of january and this is my first blog. YAY. its exactly 3 weeks before i fly to sydney early in the morning, then onto Taipei where i will stay 1 day and then fly to Vancouver. its quite exciting really. today sorted out bank stuff, i have to choose my travel insurance...what a headache (diabetes and snowboarding makes it all rather difficult) and yeah. i gotta set my phone to international roaming and do a huge bunch of other stuff.

when we arrive in vancouver it will be early in the day and most probably me, my cousin tim and his mate (whos name ive forgotten) will all bum around, then catch a bus to Banff which will be our home till the snow disapears.

anyway this is my first blog to get this puppy started, hopefully will have many more with many photos etc... that i will take. hope all the people that i force to read this enjoy it


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